Thursday, 23 October 2008

Romford Family

(Together with the guys in Romford)

An Evening at home

It was wonderful on Tuesday to be "back home" with our friends in Romford.  Jo grew up in the area, and when she really started following God got involved with a church called Kamoflage,  and then while I lived in the area for 3 years I was involved too!   Since then the group has changed and Kamo is no longer, but there still exists a group of people, who in our eyes are expressing church, that get together to pray, eat and generally help each other in their christian lives. 

For us as a couple, it often feels like we are returning home when we are with them.  Anyway, they prayed for us, asked questions, and generally continued to support us in a way that we are so grateful for.  We realised the unique position we have of being linked into 2 main groups of people, and how releasing it is not to have to tour the country speaking to people who we don't know, asking for their support.

So thanks to you guys and girls who have some of the softest hearts we know!  

Tom & Jo

You can see their blog site at:


community said...

Great blog site guys! Ws so great to see you both!!
We love you guys!!

community said...

p.s. I think you cought Phil at his most camp in that pic! :)


You have found Tom's Blog!

I'm part of New Generation Church ( in the United Kingdom. I passionately believe in Church, love Jesus and am wondering about the various things I could write here. This used to be a blog for our updates from Malawi when Jo and I were missionaries to Flood Church.