Thursday, 16 June 2011

Joshua got his question wrong!

Sometimes we often ask ourselves the question: "Who's side is God on?" Or we make the statement: "God's on my/our side!"

I was struck yesterday, while reading Joshua 5 that his question to the Angel of the lord was wrong. He asked who's side was the angel on. Of course the answer was neither! Joshua needed to ask himself who's side he was on. We find Joshua falling on his face as the Angel gives his response, which includes telling him he's on holy, set apart, ground.

Joshua realized that even though he was the leader of a great army, he in fact needed to get in line. God is the boss and we need to make sure we are on his side, it's not about God joining our team, or backing us, or gaining his support. We join his team, we support what he's doing, WE BACK HIM! Even though God was not for either army, he delivered Jericho into the hands of Joshua's army.


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I'm part of New Generation Church ( in the United Kingdom. I passionately believe in Church, love Jesus and am wondering about the various things I could write here. This used to be a blog for our updates from Malawi when Jo and I were missionaries to Flood Church.